agbee Diary
Innovation For Your Farming Without Leaving the Essential Parts Series 1: The Beginning – Following Behind Us

Innovation For Your Farming Without Leaving the Essential Parts Series 1: The Beginning – Following Behind Us

Since long ago, people have been doing agriculture. Modern people keep trying to make agriculture easier with technologies. But, unfortunately, sometimes we are leaving the essential part of the farming process even though the farming process itself does bear fruits. These come from the complex works of the farmers. Just by keeping essential elements from the process, we can get more value from farming. For example, feeling grateful for the fruity essence from their works, human hand handling with care and heart will make anything produce from agriculture taste delicious.


agbee as a farming buddy will help you.

So then, what can we do to reduce the burden from their works without leaving the essential parts? agbee as a farming buddy will Help farmers make their labors easier instead of taking some of the critical processes by not involving their hands. This concept is created to protect crucial farming elements and values from farming results. Several features are built on agbee. This time, we will dive into the first features of agbee, the story of a farming buddy that will follow farmers anywhere.

A woman farmer who lives in Tokyo. She is mainly working alone in her field. Even though sometimes her family and friends will come and help. Today, she will several different types of vegetables as the season is perfect for growing vegetables in her field. She has to bring many vegetable shoots that usually storages with roots attached in bio soils. This type of vegetable shoot is heavy in accumulate. Before she works with agbee, she has to pull the cart that contains vegetable shoots and planting one by one. This work is time-consuming and very tiring. She also has to travel back and forward to take and bring more vegetable shoots in the process. Now, agbee is always ready behind her. Carrying a large number of vegetable shoots and following behind her steps. She can pay more attention to the planting process without worrying about pulling the cart anymore because agbee will bring the vegetable shoots, following her steps even in the narrow and bumpy road.